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Observation Sheets & At-Home Challenge Packet


Product Intro

This bundle includes 5 worksheets to engage students in topics such as wellness, conditioning, choreorgaphy, and observation and critiquing. 

Recommended Ages

11-13, 14+

Artistic Processes

Responding, Connecting

Our teaching resources are used in over 30 countries!


This digital bundle includes:

  • Self-Observation Worksheet: The teacher can assign this worksheet with a video of the class performing a phrase or piece. Students are asked to analyze their own personal strengths and weaknesses in the video.
  • Group Observation Worksheet: The teacher can assign this worksheet with a video of the class performing a phrase or piece. Students are asked to analyze the group's overall strengths and weaknesses in the video.
  • Dancer Wellness Challenge: This worksheet asks dancers to create a wellness plan for themselves and to set aside time to do things for their physical, mental, and emotional health. 
  • Mini-Dance Challenge: This worksheet asks dancers to choreograph a mini dance based off the prompts on the worksheet.
  • Dance Conditioning Challenge: This worksheet prompts dancers to create a conditioning challenge for themselves. 

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