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Online Dance Games: Dance Ed Tips

Dance Ed Tips | 28 April, 2020

            Online Dance Games: Dance Ed Tips

By: Olivia Mode-Cater 

For this week’s blog post, I want to give you a behind the scenes look at our Online Dance Games for Zoom! 

I created these games because my student's engagement on Zoom has been.... questionable. And, the novelty of teaching dance online has unfortunately worn off. 

I have also fallen victim to my dancers: 

  • texting during dance class (Ugh!) 
  • walking off the screen... (Where are you going?!) 
  • and snacking... Yes! snacking. 

Because of all this, I realized that I needed to do something quickly in order to get their eyeballs back on me and I wanted to try to figure out a way to get my dancers excited and happy about coming to dance with me, even in spite of a pandemic! 

That’s when I decided to come up with Online Dance Games for Zoom! 

The 8 games are: 

  1. What's in Your Dance Bag?

This is a fun scavenger-type game where dancers go through their dance bag to find certain items. Each item is a worth a certain amount of points! 

This is great for dancers of all ages! I’m sure you’ll also discover, like I did, that the stuff kids have in their dance bags is… interesting. 

  1. Most Likely To

Most Likely To is a community building game that encourages dancers to recognize the positive qualities in their peers.  

It’s great for elementary ages and older!  

  1. Dance Pictionary

Dance Pictionary is a fun team-bonding game where students draw dance-related items and have their friends guess what it is! 

There’s a variety of words and options, which makes it great for all ages! 

  1. Choreo Bingo

Choreo Bingo is an engaging and fun way to get dancers to choreograph a movement phrase. I give you one way to play but I think you’ll find hundreds of ways to use this with all your dancers! 

  1. Spatial Relationship Cubes (with 3 different cube templates)

Dance ED Tips' Spatial Relationship Cubes are a fun and exciting way to get dancers to learn about spatial relationships. It's also a sneaky way to teach them prepositions! (I'm sure your English teacher friends will be pleased!) Print and create the dice at home and use with your dancers of all ages! 

  1. The Countdown Review

The Countdown Review Worksheet is a fun and productive way to have dancers review their dances online or in-person! It’s great for dancers of all ages! 

  1. ABC's of Dance

ABC's of Dance is a great way to get dancers to choreograph a movement phrase. This is another one that you’ll find 100’s of ways to use!   

  1. Dancer Scattergories

Dancer Scattergories is a fun game where dancers have to quickly fill out a dance-inspired category list with the same letter. It’s a fun twist on the traditional game! 

Each game comes with instructions on how to play online and in person, so that when you get back into the studio you can play them again. 

Since I've been using my games my dancer's excitement and motivation in dance has gone upTREMENDOUSLY! 

So, if you are ready to get your dancers counting down the minutes until your Zoom class starts... get a set of the Online Dance Games for Zoom! 

As a special little bonus, because I'm legit super excited to share these with you....I'm offering $5 OFF to anyone who purchases by TONIGHT, Tuesday, April 28 by 11:59pm EST. The discount is already on the website!  

So, don’t wait! These are going to help you so much! 

Happy teaching!  
