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Last Day Of Dance: A Wind Down With Your Students

Dance Ed Tips | 12 June, 2018

            Last Day Of Dance: A Wind Down With Your Students

By: Olivia Mode-Cater 


The year is winding down. Recitals are quickly approaching and we are planning our final dance classes. On the last day, we want to end the year on a positive note and do something fun and different! If you’re not sure what to teach, check outDance ED Tip #30, where I share with you 7 types of classes you could teach to keep dancers engaged at the end of the year. In addition to doing something exciting on the last day of dance, I think it is also important to give dancers an opportunity to reflect. Although it can be hard to receive constructive criticism from our students, it is important that we listen to them. They often can provide insights about our class and good suggestions on how to make our classrooms better. Every year I genuinely implement many of the ideas my dancers give me, which helps my classes become more effective. It is also important for us, as their teachers, to model how to receive constructive feedback and to demonstrate that, we too, are constantly learning and growing.   


Here are the 3 things I ask my dancers on the last day of class: 


  1. Where do you think you saw the most growth in your dancing? If the student is unsure, ask their peers to identify ways the individual     improved. 
  2. What is 1 thing you liked about our class this year and that I should keep for next year?
  3. What is 1 thing that you would like to be different or improved upon for next year?


Enjoy your last few weeks with your dancers! 



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