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Enforcing Routines And Procedures In The Studio

Dance Ed Tips | 11 September, 2018

            Enforcing Routines And Procedures In The Studio

By: Olivia Mode-Cater 


It’s early in the school year and we have now seen our students a couple of times. They are starting to understand who we are as teachers and what our expectations are in class. The next 2 months of the year are very crucial, because your students are going to test your consistency. They are going to test to see where your boundaries really are and if you are going to actually enforce your rules and procedures. 


Testing boundaries is natural and part of human nature. Your job as the teacher is to stick to the rules, routines, and procedures you created for this year. If your students follow the rules and procedures for the next two months, they will continue those habits for the rest of the year. If you become more relaxed with your routines and don’t enforce them, you’re going to have a lot of issues down the road. Your students will think that your rules and routines are only suggestions and as the year progresses good behavior, structure, and dress codes will all be a thing of the past. 


Therefore, it is up to YOU to ensure that all the rules and procedures are being followed. Enforcing routines is not mean! It is setting and maintaining the high expectations for your class. This can be done politely and firmly. I guarantee you that spending the time on it now will make the rest of your year much easier and smoother! 


Happy teaching! 
